
Discovery Galactica Ghost Ship Grampus
Heart of Gold Hispaniola Nautilus Nostromo
Pequod Red Five USS Enterprise U-96


April 14th: "Anno 1404 fan" title.

March 15th: "1503 A.D. fan" title

February 16th: "1602 A.D. fan" title

January 17th: "1701 A.D. fan" title

Start a game between 3:00 to 05:00 a.m. in the morning to get 10 gems and an Achievement.

在3:00之05:00 a.m. (早上)开始一个游戏可以得到10个宝石和一个奖项

Play the game on November 11th at 11:11 a.m. to get ten gems and an Achievement.

在11月11日11点11分a.m. 进行游戏可以得到10个宝石和一个奖项

You can earn other achievements by doing the following tasks.


Accelerate the game for one hour. 加速游戏一小时(用加速模式玩游戏一小时)
Build 1000 peasant houses in a game. 在游戏建造1000农民屋
Destroy 2500 enemy ships. 消灭2500艏对方战船
Pause the world 250 times. 暂停世界250 次
Play 2 hours in close camera perspective. 使用近距离镜头进行游戏两个小时
Play 10 hours in medium camera perspective. 使用中距离镜头进行游戏10小时
Play 20 hours in distant camera perspective. 使用远距离镜头进行游戏20小时
Play a continuous game for 24 hours. 连续游戏24小时
Spend 1 hour in Post Card view. 花一小时在明信片视角角度
Take more than 500 screenshots. 截图500张



其他奖牌可以分为三阶段:铜,银,金。 奖牌分为四个不同的类型:外交,经济,情节,General inhabitants (综合居民?)

Medal 如何入手
Badge of Honor 累计1000,5000,10000Honor(经济)
Brooch of the High Council 得到achievement the High Concil(剧情)
Cross of the Metropolis 在容易,中等,困难都得到Metropolis status/大城市地位(经济)
Imperial seal 在容易,中等,困难三种不同的程度都完成剧情(综合)
Medal of Mammon 累计25万,50万,100万
Medal of the Elector 赢取“选举者/Elector”剧情(剧情)
Medallion of the People 1千,1万,50万人口
Metal of the Diplomat 赢取“Diplomat/外交官”剧情(剧情)
Metal of the General 赢取“General/综合“剧情(剧情)
Metal of the Guild Master 赢取”Guild Master/会长“剧情(剧情)
Metal of the Imperator 赢取”Imperator/皇帝“剧情(剧情)
Metal of the Master Builder 赢取“Master Builder/建筑大师”剧情(剧情)
Navy Cross 消灭15,30,50艏船(外交)
Nobel Insignia 一千,五千,一万三级贵族人口居留
Order of the Keepers 获得"Order of the Keepers"奖牌(综合)
Order of the Knights of the Grail 获得"gold ship"奖牌(综合)
Order of the Treasures 100,500,999吨商品在你的仓库(经济)
Seal of the Orient 一千,五千,一万个Envoy/大使居留(外交)
Time Medal 10,100,500间屋子在一个profile/档案?(综合)

